Diagnosed bulimic at the young age of 9, I have struggled back and forth along with binge eating since then. Today, July 3rd, 2017, I have decided to fight for my life. The shares could be triggering for some, however, for my own accountability & healing I am putting it all out there in hopes it will help at least one person. Plain & simple, I want to live. I will share my journey of healthier choices, fitness, clean eating, empowerment and improving my self-esteem because I want the full package and am doing it from the inside out this time!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Starting the inner work

I have a hard time verbally expressing my emotions, always have. Over the years I have dealt with things such as festering anger, spontaneous age regressions and punishing with withdrawal, similar to my childhood. It then leaves me feeling lonesome, scared and like a shame based little girl. As a child, I started turning to food and or purging. It was something I felt I could control the outcome of, and it numbed my pain. Today, it is still my drug of choice to numb my pain.
This is the first step in healing and forgiving myself.
As a child, my food and eating disorder became my way of protecting myself and keeping myself safe. Over the years I have expanded on my disease and have self-abused in a very harsh way. I grew up with an angry and hurt child inside of me, and that child contaminates my adult behavior. Reclaiming and championing my inner child is what I am working on today.
In healing & forgiveness, I am learning to love and accept all of the pieces of that little girl I isolated and squashed so I could be brave and fight my way through what felt scary and harmful. She deserves forgiveness and the ability to be who she dreamed of being. The adventurous, curious girl and an explorer of this interesting and beautiful world who would grow up to be strong, free and achieve amazing things.
I deserve love and acceptance from within, and these are my first steps forward in doing that. 

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